More information on
Planned Giving
Planned giving is an option for anyone who wants to build a legacy, regardless of age or income. You may not think about it, but a planned gift can be simple and cost very little. No matter your age, you can get started today:
70s & beyond
Please note that the information provided is only a starting point. When making charitable gifts, it is essential to consult with your attorney or financial advisor to make sure that you comply with state laws, receive the maximum tax benefits, and that your wishes are accurately reflected in the necessary legal documents.
Every gift, regardless of its size, can be immensely helpful. Your planned gift to Habitat MOV can create a lasting impact through the safety and stability that affordable homeownership provides. By informing us of your intentions to make such a gift, you become a member of the Habitat MOV Legacy Builders. If you have already planned a gift to Habitat MOV, please get in touch with us so that we can express our gratitude and acknowledge your contribution.